Saturday, May 7, 2011

Osama Bin Gotten

This past Sunday I got a text around 11 pm as I was on my way up to bed from my friend, Kayla, to turn on the news. This was very out of the ordinary, so I did! That is when Javi and I heard the news that Osama Bin Laden had been killed!! This is HUGE news for all Americans but especially those of us who live right outside the nation's capital- the hub of all exciting political happenings.
Long story short, Javi convinced me to go into DC with him and join whatever festivities might be going on there. I was not all that into the idea but thought I may as well go along. We threw on some clothes (notice my patriotic red shirt) and grabbed some flags. We got into DC after midnight and drive up and down the streets with our flag out of the sun roof. It was AWESOME! Tons of people were heading towards the White House and as they saw us with our flag would yell and cheer.
Javi parked and we too went to the White House with a thousand+ other young adults. It was pretty cool to have so many people there cheering for the same reason. Surprisingly people were really friendly- not something you would usually experience in a large crowd in DC. After an hour or so we decided to head home (that was when the drunks started coming out and we realized we were tired of standing in a hot crowd yelling and cheering and singing).
I'm glad we got to go- it was a really cool experience and if it weren't for Javi I would have missed out on something really great! Now we are all praying for no retaliation.

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