Wednesday, June 15, 2011

232 PFC Mueller :)

I found this recent picture of Travis (232 PFC Mueller) on the Fort Benning photo website. I'm a member of a group on facebook made especially for those waiting for loved ones who are in training in the same company as Trav. It is really fun and helpful to see interactions between other people and see that I'm not the only one with questions. It helps to know that there are other wives out there who don't just feel bad or "know what it's like" from past experiences but who are experiencing this at the same time as me. We all discuss what we're told in letters and try to figure out our plans for the 36-hour pass next month and graduation. It's like I found a new group of friends I can relate to. I guess this is what they call the Army family.
Travis is doing really well. Although they only give them 4 minutes to eat he has gotten better at eating faster (what an accomplishment...) so he's eating more. Still, he's lost over 20 pounds. Makes me want to go on the Army diet almost... almost.
In his own words he's "been kicking butt this week." He got perfect on Advanced Marksmanship last week. Here is a large excerpt from his last letter:
"[Battle March and Shoot is] a competition between the platoons which consists of running an unknown distance carrying boxes of MREs, jugs of water, a stretcher with a drill sargent on it and pushing a truck the whole way. When we get to the end we have to shoot at a bunch of targets while controlling your breathing (or else your aim is way off). It was a 3/4 mile run and it was a competition too so my platoon freakin sprinted the whole time. While we ran, there were DSs who would hide in the woods and toss dud grenades at us (the first one scared the piss outta me). It's supposed to simulate like a situation where we have malfunctioning transportation and we have to run to a battle while dodging the enemy. Our platoon had the fastest time but like 5 guys' guns jammed so we lost and were pissed and exhausted. It was pretty darn intense so I thought it was pretty fun."
 "Thursday we had IEDs and mines... they also showed us how vehicles defend themselves from IEDs. Then we were taught how to use a claymore mine. Then we had to march, not walk, march 4 miles back to the barraks."
"Today (the 10th) we had rocket launchers and I did well (blowing stuff up is what I do best). It was the AT-4 if my dad asks. Tomorrow we are gonna shoot the M240 and M249 SAW. They are both BA machine guns so we are all pretty stoked about that."
"We are supposed to do the .50 cal (machine gun) and MK-19 (grenade launching machine gun) sometime soon too."
"Anyway, we had locker inspections today and we passed so we were pumped about that."
"I had CQ (change of quarters) from 8-9 so no fireguard tonite... "
"The DS was cleaning out their truck and gave my buddy and me a soda and granola bar. It was like liquid heaven."
"We have a 3.5 mile run (sprint) for PT tomorrow."

So, things are really rough but he is surviving. We both can't wait for this to be over but while it is lasting he is making the most of every day. I am very proud of how well he is doing. If you would like to send him a card or letter (no packages please. The drill sargents use every excuse to get the soldiers in trouble) here is his address:
232 PFC Mueller
Alpha Company, 2-19 Infantry
198th Infantry Brigade
9050 Kinsman Drive
Fort Benning, GA 31905

Thanks for your support (and for reading all of this!).

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Trucking along

Days keep passing and I'm finding ways to keep myself busy. I'm taking a Statistics class at the community college. I'm not a math person AT ALL so it is really rough. It's half done- I can see the light at the end of the tunnel!
Last month my mom and I spent a long weekend in Florida with my Grandma. She has no internet or TV because she doesn't stay at her house full time so he had a hack of a time entertaining ourselves. We went to walmart more times than I ever have in a weekend. We hit up restaurants, Rita's, rented movies, and drive up and down the beach. My grandma (and mom) like to throw bread to the birds as we drive along in hopes that they will fly behind us. It wasn't too successful this time.
 Cute little grandma in the back of the convertible- we prop her up with her hat and glasses and she doesn't complain.

 There was a FROG in my grandma's shower that my Uncle Robert carried outside to set free. EEK!
Look closely. The epitome of Florida: about a hundred pink flamingos in the front yard!

My younger brother, Javi got his Eagle Scout so he had a court of honor with two of his friends who had also recently gotten their Eagle. It was a lot of work for him (and mom!) to complete and everyone is proud of him for achieving this rank! It was a nice evening. My older brother, Jae, spoke. People are still talking about how great of a talk he gave. Of course there was a shattered picture frame, crazy kids, and cake dropped on someone's foot but would it really be a church event without that??!! We are all happy for Javi!! (And thankful to Jae for taking us to Artie's afterword!) 

Some exciting news: I'm officially a Mueller! My name is changed on all my legal documents to Susanna Mueller. It's different and taking some getting used to. I have the best husband I could have ever asked for. He may be away for a time but he still makes me so happy. I am very blessed (and lucky) to have gotten to marry Travis and I am thankful for him, every day. 
He is hanging in there at OSUT at Benning. He finished Red Phase of training and is in the next phase already. He is learning a lot but they don't ever take it easy on the guys. He has lost about 20 pounds already and is getting in such good physical shape. A lot of his buddies have gotten sent home for various reasons. Trav passed his shooting assessment, made it through the gas chamber, learned how to use grenades and lots of other manly things. I'm very proud of him and know he won't be anything but successful.