Sunday, March 1, 2009

The Final Day

Travis came down on Saturday to spend our very last day together before he leaves. We did a lot of fun things and mostly just enjoyed each other's company. He came really early (early for a college student is 9 am) and surprised me with a bear from Build-A-Bear and Godiva chocolates. He also brought me his iPod that I get to "take care of" until he gets back. We first went to VMI's indoor track so I could show him where I practice shot. From there we decided to head to Roanoke to see if there was anything fun to do there. We at at Carrabba's Italian Grill (and made most of our wedding plans- don't worry people this is totally legit) and then walked through the mall for a bit before deciding to get Dippin' Dots. We decided to come back to BV, we went to Wal-Mart and got the materials to make smoothies. We stopped at Sweet Things and gor ourselves the best ice cream ever. By then we were ice creamed out and didn't even feel like making smoothies anymore. We said our sad goodbyes and he was off. I won't see him again for two years and I already miss him a lot. I am really glad he could come down and see me one more time. He is the best!!!

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