Monday, August 3, 2009

Hanging with the Washingtons

My mom gave me two free tickets to Mount Vernon, George Washington's house, that she had won at a neighborhood party so Javi and I went the other week. It is not exactly what one would call a fun Summer activity but is was something to do. We spent most out the time taking pictures of out of place things that obviously weren't there during George's time like a fire hydrant or tractor and getting weird looks from people when we said things like "Why would George Washington need a shop full of pictures of his own house?" or "hey look George Washington's garden hose." It was blazing hot outside so we didn't stay long but it was a sorta cool random thing to do. I dount I will go again in the near future but if you have never been I would reccomend it once in your life- especially the movie in the theatre at the end where actual snow fell from the cieling. I wonder why george would want that... humm.

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