Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Sad goodbyes...

Monday at 7 AM I dropped Travis off at the armory to start his journey to Army basic training. We had to get up at 5:00 to make sure everything was ready to go so we could leave the apartment by 6.
It was the saddest morning, drive and departure I've ever experienced. I mean, what is there really to talk about when someone is about to leave for 14 weeks? We both cried a lot last night and this morning. It felt worse to see him sad than it was for me to cry.
As soon as he walked through those doors at the armory I felt the instant need for one more hug but it doesn't look like that will happen soon. Travis goes to Ft Benning, GA on Wednesday. I really don't know anything other than that. I'll find out dates I can/ if I even can visit him and what his graduation date will be as time passes.
He is doing this because he loves this country and he loves me. I know that he is sacrificing a lot to be able to provide for us. We've only been married for one short month (which passed entirely too quickly and has been filled with so much love and happiness) but I am thankful every day for the time we've had together. Travis is the best man in the entire world and I will miss him so much.
If I find out anything or have any contact with him I'll let you know. Otherwise, keep him in your thoughts and prayers.
We are all so proud of you Trav.

1 comment:

  1. It must be so hard to be parted after only one month! We'll keep you in our prayers!
